Our pricing system is simple with no surprises:
$60 Minimum Charge for Any Service
$60 First Room Charge
$70 First Room+ (Living Room & Dining Room Combination)
$30 Each Additional Full Size Room
$10-$15 Bedroom Walkway or Small Half-Sized Room
$30 Each Set of Stairs (approx. 12-14 steps)
$5-$10 Hallways Longer Than 6 Feet*
$60 Sofa
$50 Loveseat
$35 Recliner
$30 Upright Chair
$100+ Sectionals (They Vary in Size)
*Hallways are free for up to six feet in length. Additional lengths are priced in additional $5 increments.
Carpet protectant is $10 per full-sized room.
Over sized rooms are priced in additional $5 increments.
Additional fees apply for pet stain treatment and red stain removal.
All prices above are for average size rooms (~225 sq. ft) and typical size furniture.
Hardwood floor restoration is $0.50 per sq. ft. and includes 2 coats of finish.
Upholstery cleaning is performed using a water-based process. We will test the fabric for compatibility before any cleaning.